Monthly Archives: May 2023

Woodchip – The Versatile and Eco-Friendly Gardening Product

By |2023-07-26T12:40:29+01:00May 31st, 2023|Categories: Garden Products, Sustainability, Tips|Tags: , , , |

Summer is well on the way (with the exception of a few rogue days) and we are loving getting stuck in to some gardening! Gardening can be a rewarding and enjoyable activity for many people and has numerous positive benefits on mental well being, creativity and environmental sustainability to name but a few. With [...]

Mental Health Benefits Of Outdoor Dining

By |2023-07-26T12:36:31+01:00May 17th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorised|

This week is Mental Health Awareness week. Although the complexity and wide reaching effects of mental health cannot be addressed in one week, the week is crucial in raising awareness and promoting understanding of mental health issues. It provides an opportunity to discuss the importance of mental well-being, reduce stigma, and encourage support [...]

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