Summer is well on the way (with the exception of a few rogue days) and we are loving getting stuck in to some gardening! Gardening can be a rewarding and enjoyable activity for many people and has numerous positive benefits on mental well being, creativity and environmental sustainability to name but a few. With the environment being in a fragile state, it has never been more important to take time to consider what products we use in our garden. Harsh chemicals and man-made materials can cause irreparable damage to natural life.  One product which offers versatility, affordability and is gentle on the environment is woodchip. It can be used in various ways in the garden to improve soil health, control weeds, and enhance aesthetics. Below are 7 diverse uses of woodchip that could give your garden the nourishing and aesthetic boost it needs:

1. Mulching

Woodchips make an effective mulch for garden beds. Spread a layer of woodchips around your plants to help retain moisture in the soil, suppress weed growth, and regulate soil temperature. As the woodchips break down over time, they also add organic matter to the soil, improving its fertility.

2. Pathways

Woodchip can be used to create attractive, functional and environmentally friendly pathways in your garden. Simply lay down a thick layer of woodchips on bare ground or over a membrane to create a natural-looking pathway. Woodchip pathways provide a comfortable walking surface, prevent soil erosion, and allow water to filter into the soil.

3. Composting

Adding woodchips to compost piles will provide a source of carbon-rich material. Composting with woodchips helps balance the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, improves aeration, and speeds up the decomposition process. Make sure to use smaller woodchips or shred them to accelerate the breakdown.

4. Erosion control

If you have slopes or areas prone to erosion in your garden, woodchips can help stabilize the soil. Spread a layer of woodchips on the exposed areas to prevent soil erosion caused by heavy rainfall or wind. The woodchips create a protective barrier, allowing water to infiltrate the soil while reducing the impact of raindrops.

5. Decorative purposes

Woodchips can be used decoratively in garden beds or around trees and shrubs. They provide a natural and rustic look whilst keeping those pesky weeds at bay! Use woodchips to delineate garden areas, highlight specific plants, or create visual interest in your landscape design.

6. Mushroom Cultivation

Woodchip can be used as a substrate to cultivate mushroom growth as it is nutrient rich. The substrate needs to be prepared by sterilization or pasteurization to eliminate competing organisms and provide a favourable environment for mushroom growth.

7. Habitat Creation

Woodchips can serve as a beneficial habitat for insects, earthworms, and other small organisms. These creatures contribute to a healthy ecosystem by improving soil structure, pollinating plants, and controlling pests. By providing a sheltered environment, woodchips support biodiversity and ecological balance in the garden.

Top Tips

  1. Only use woodchips from untreated wood sources to ensure they are safe for your garden;
  2. Avoid using them directly around young or newly established plants as they can temporarily deplete nitrogen from the soil as they break down.
  3. Replenish woodchips periodically as they break down over time.
  4. Be cautions not to smother plant stems or trunks to prevent potential moisture-related issues or decay.


£60 per bag or save £10 per bag when you buy 3 or more

At Nene Valley Firewood, all our woodchip is untreated and a mixture of soft and hardwood chip sourced sustainably from managed Woodlands & Forests in Britain. For more information you can find the product on our website here. Or give us a call on 01327 829529 to discuss further.