Wood fired ovens

How To Make The Perfect Wood-Fired Pizza

By |2023-06-14T09:03:08+01:00June 14th, 2023|Categories: Hardwood, Kiln Dried Wood, Tips, Uncategorised|Tags: , , , , |

Wood-fired pizzas have a rich historical and cultural heritage. The use of wood-fired ovens for baking bread and pizzas dates back centuries and is deeply rooted in various culinary traditions worldwide. The aroma of the wood smoke and the warmth of the oven has long been a focal point for many social gatherings where people [...]

Let’s get outside and eat Pizza

By |2021-06-08T09:08:41+01:00May 7th, 2020|Categories: Kiln Dried Wood, Open Fires, Uncategorised|Tags: , , , |

WHICH WOOD TO SELECT FOR YOUR WOOD FIRED PIZZA OVEN   There is a saying that food tastes better when eaten outside. Maybe that is why so many of us are building our own pizza ovens. Freshly baked pizza, baked and eaten in the garden,  makes every day a special celebration. Great for [...]

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